A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Land Online: What You Need to Know

Buying land online is becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking to purchase property. With the rise of digital platforms, buyers can now access a wide variety of land for sale from all over the world. Property is advertised and sold on land specific websites, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram and other social media sites.  You can even buy land through auctions on Ebay or other similar platforms!  This article will educate you on how to safely buy land online and provide you with tools to do so.  By understanding the process, buyers can make safe, informed decisions when it comes to purchasing land online.

Before buying land online, it is important to do your research.  Here are some critical things to know when purchasing land online:

  • VERIFY ownership of the land.

  • KNOW how you want to use the land.

  • DETERMINE what utilities are available.

  • LEARN about property access.

  • FIND additional help if needed.

We’ve created a step-by-step guide for researching property online to ensure that you have all the information you need prior to completing the sale. You can download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Buying Land today, so you know what specific questions to ask and research before deciding if a property is right for you.

When buying land online from a stranger, it is equally as important to research the seller as it is to research the land itself.  Is the person who claims to own the land actually the owner?  This is something you can easily verify with the county.  You can call the county Recorder or Assessor and ask any questions about the property and the ownership.  If possible, research the seller (or company) online and look for a history of positive reviews.  

Buying land online can offer new opportunities to invest in property, especially when it’s not within a short driving distance from where you’re located.  Depending on your purpose for purchasing the land, it may be important to you to personally visit the property to make sure it will fit your needs and verify there aren’t any surprises (like junk cars or other issues) before buying.  If you can’t personally inspect the land, consider sending a local friend or family member or hiring someone local to scope it out for you. 

There are a multitude of tools and resources available to us online to help aid in our research of property even when we’re far away.  You can use our FREE guide to help you navigate what you should be researching and what resources to use to get the answers you’re seeking.

The process of buying land online is usually very fast.  Once a price has been agreed upon, the payment can be made and the deed can oftentimes be electronically recorded with the county within hours to a couple of days upon submission.  If you are having title insurance issued, expect the closing process to take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month.  

Buying land online is a great way to invest in real estate without the hassle of traditional real estate transactions. It offers buyers the opportunity to purchase land quickly and easily, as well as access to a wide variety of properties. With the help of online platforms, buyers can compare prices, read reviews, and even get advice from experienced professionals. Additionally, buyers can take advantage of financing options and secure their purchase with title insurance, if desired. Whether you are looking for a place to build your dream home or an investment opportunity, buying land online can be an ideal solution


For more tips and tricks for how to successfully purchase vacant land, check out all of our free resources at here.

Emily Edwards