The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Zoning Rules and Regulations


When you’re looking to buy vacant land, it is crucial you know and understand two very important things: how you plan to use a piece of land, and what county specific zoning identification the land has been given.

Zoning laws determine how land can be used within a municipality; and they control how land can be developed and what purposes it can serve. Like many other municipal regulations, zoning can be a somewhat confusing set of codes that, whether we realize it or not, directly impact our lives.

If you've been thinking about purchasing vacant land, it's important to know the zoning laws in the area you're looking to buy.

We've put together an awesome little guide to explain how zoning works and how to understand the codes. You can download it for FREE right here.

In this article, we’re going to look at what zoning is and why zoning is important for a town.  We’ll briefly go over some of the more common zoning types you will see.  We’ll take a look at what zoning means to you as a property owner and we’ll explore possible options if the zoning of your property does not align with how you hope to use the property.

Imagine after months and months of searching, you’ve finally found your dream property.  You’re eager to start working on the land, getting your tiny home (or RV, yurt, mobile home, earthship home, hobby farm, etc) set up and ready to live in.  Shortly after getting settled, a county inspector swings by and informs you that what you have set up is not allowed on the property and must be removed.  Paying attention to zoning laws and regulations will help save the headaches and $$$ that comes with a mistake like the one described above. 

Zoning is a term used to describe the process of dividing a city or town into different areas, each with its own set of rules and regulations. This allows for the efficient use of land, as well as the development of residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial areas in an organized manner. Zoning is an important part of urban planning and can help ensure that cities are developed in a way that meets the needs of their citizens. 

Zoning also helps to protect public health and safety by ensuring that buildings are built in accordance with local regulations.  It helps to ensure that land is used in an efficient manner and prevents overcrowding or over-development. Zoning also helps to protect natural resources by limiting activities such as mining or logging in certain areas. By regulating land use through zoning, local governments are able to create vibrant and sustainable communities.

Some of the common zoning codes you’re likely to see include:

  • Residential (housing)

  • Commercial (businesses)

  • Industrial (manufacturing)

  • Agricultural (farming)

Each county will have specific rules about what each zoning code does and does not allow. For a more in-depth understanding of different zoning codes, as well as definitions of common terms you’ll run across while reading zoning rules, grab a copy of our FREE Guide to Zoning here.

As a property owner, it is important to understand the laws and regulations that govern the use of your land. Knowing your rights and responsibilities is key to avoiding legal issues with the local government. Unfortunately, sometimes conflicts arise between what you want to do with your property and what the local laws allow. If this happens, it is important to know how to appeal a decision from the local government on land use regulations or researching your rights when it comes to property ownership. 

Zoning variance is an important process for property owners who wish to legally challenge local zoning laws. It allows them to get a variance for their property use case if it does not fit the existing zoning regulations.

Each county in the United States has its own set of rules and regulations.  So, head on over to your county website and take a look at the Planning or Building Department page.  From there you should be able to find the county specific zoning regulations linked on the website.  If you’re having trouble locating this document, give the county a call and they can help direct you to the right spot.

Zoning regulations are an important factor to consider when it comes to the use of your property. Understanding how zoning regulations affect your property can help you make informed decisions about how to use it and what restrictions may be in place. It can also help you avoid potential legal issues or costly fines. By understanding the rules, you can ensure that you are using your property in a way that is compliant with local laws and regulations.

Before you buy any property, make sure you have confirmed the specific zone and have researched what is and isn’t allowed for the specific county in which the property resides. Use our FREE Guide to Zoning to help you through that process and avoid a potentially costly mistake.

Emily Edwards